As part of today's society, it's expected of us to mold into the stereotypical image of the 21st century. We know the ins and outs of fashions, get emailed Facebook and Twitter notifications straight to our Blackberry or iPhone, are always updated on the newest Apple products. We are always running. Running to get somewhere, running to do something, running to get ahead. When the sun is too bright, we turn our heads. When it's raining out, we open an umbrella. When the wind is strong, we shut the windows. The birds fill the air with their melodies, yet we plug our ears with headphones. The sunset has painted the sky in its colorful shades, yet we're inside watching a movie. Why do we constantly have to be engaged, entertained, or on the run? Sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, and then work some more. Our alarm clocks are programmed for 5 in the morning and the coffee machine is already brewing. The radio is blaring and the car engine is already revved. Our world revolves around being on the move, but do we always have to fit the 21st century stereotype? Instead of hitting the TALK button on your cellphone during lunch break, step outside and drink in the sunshine, even if it is just for a moment. Instead of cranking up the radio, roll down the windows and listen to the wind whoosh past you. While everyone is running breathless, stop and notice the birds on the telephone line. Go against the crowd; it's okay to stand out. Let the rain drizzle on your eyelids, let the sun warm your skin, let the wind weave through your hair. Admit your weakness and take a break; we're not made to run 24/7. Next time, instead of drawing the blinds, enjoy the the sunset whilst lying on the cool grass and finding shapes in the clouds. Step outside your comfort zone; trying new things, experimenting, opening up new possibilities.
i just love the short paragraphs you write for each picture.. you truly are amazing and please keep up the great work, i hope that we see more of your breathtaking pictures
ReplyDeletethank you so much anon! your words truly mean a lot to me. As a photographer, I don't here those words often. But days like these make me feel special, when I can read your comment and know there is someone out there who takes the time to look through my work and effort :) It's encouraging and inspiring to hear!
ReplyDeleteHey, this is AS! i luv ur blog! nice paragraphs with pics.... btw, heres my blog url: www.harrypotternarnia411.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks AS :) followed your blog :) great stuff! I'll visit more thoroughly once I have time on my hands.
ReplyDeletethnx :)