
Let's Lay Here...And Forget the World

 As part of today's society, it's expected of us to mold into the stereotypical image of the 21st century. We know the ins and outs of fashions, get emailed Facebook and Twitter notifications straight to our Blackberry or iPhone, are always updated on the newest Apple products. We are always running. Running to get somewhere, running to do something, running to get ahead. When the sun is too bright, we turn our heads. When it's raining out, we open an umbrella. When the wind is strong, we shut the windows. The birds fill the air with their melodies, yet we plug our ears with headphones. The sunset has painted the sky in its colorful shades, yet we're inside watching a movie. Why do we constantly have to be engaged, entertained, or on the run? Sleep, work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, and then work some more. Our alarm clocks are programmed for 5 in the morning and the coffee machine is already brewing. The radio is blaring and the car engine is already revved. Our world revolves around being on the move, but do we always have to fit the 21st century stereotype? Instead of hitting the TALK button on your cellphone during lunch break, step outside and drink in the sunshine, even if it is just for a moment. Instead of cranking up the radio, roll down the windows and listen to the wind whoosh past you. While everyone is running breathless, stop and notice the birds on the telephone line. Go against the crowd; it's okay to stand out. Let the rain drizzle on your eyelids, let the sun warm your skin, let the wind weave through your hair. Admit your weakness and take a break; we're not made to run 24/7. Next time, instead of drawing the blinds, enjoy the the sunset whilst lying on the cool grass and finding shapes in the clouds. Step outside your comfort zone; trying new things, experimenting, opening up new possibilities.


Starlit Skies and Firewood

After two days of reminiscence, I returned home packed full of sweet memories with the aroma of firewood and seawater lingering in the air. My jeans hid sand in its creases and hadn’t yet dried from the water of the beautiful beaches. We spent the day on a long walk refreshing dusty memories and skipping rocks across the smooth waters and swam under the sunset sky. We made smores under the starlit sky, creamy chocolate and milk spreading me with warmth. Our night was completed with homemade pizza, a movie, card games, and ice-cream. The next morning was spent chatting and canoeing on a tippy boat..it was time to leave too soon. I can still smell the firewood and leafy smell of the country side on my clothes, and sometimes I wish I was still midst the beautiful wilderness when I close my eyes. 
A short film I made of peaceful summer.

Roses and Vines

Summer Waters

We sidled along the beach shore, our toes sinking in the warm sand and weaving through the cool water, slowly and melodically lapping at our feet. The day was filled with ocean water, fresh air, music, and enjoyable food. It’s been around a year since my last beach visit, and revisiting my favorite beach I’ve known from childhood was absolutely refreshing. As the setting sun dipped beneath the horizon, we began to head home, leaving me wishing for another visit to this beautiful place. It was an absolutely invigorating day leaving me with nostalgia and a longing for an endless summer. 

The Girl Under the Trees

I’m the girl who grew up in country side, smelling like fresh rain and fields of flowers. I explored the woods, climbed hills, and soaked my feet in running stream water as a child. I’d savor the smell of burning firewood and collect rocks from the lake behind our home, I played with the little fishies and carved my initials on our family tree. I’d play with the baby foxes and come home with tracks of dirt. I spent time by the burning fireplace, reading novels and warming my little cold feet. I grew up sleeping under the moonlit sky filled with shining stars and waking up to a fresh blue canvas painted with perfect clouds. Every night marked the start of a new beginning, and every morning began a new chapter of my life. I locked each moment in the pages of my mind, and here’s a little tribute to those wonderful, colorful days.Time for icey lemonade, sun glasses, and sandals :) Got out early and thought I’d tread down our main road. Came across pure blue skies with whiskey clouds, yellow flowers, and big black birds. You can see one of them in the background of this picture. This photograph makes me want to jump right into it, running with flapping arms and hair—soaring as the wind flies past me—just letting go and being free.
She sits under the willow tree, behind the picket fence. Her hair is made of gold, and cheeks of rosy red.Little toes sunken in fields of grass, Birds and butterfly prone,She’s not so different from all the rest,Just trying to find a place in a lonely world.
Dreams are an escape to a world entirely ours. We create them, cherish them, wish upon them. Do we live them? Everyone has dreams, the ones that live them are the ones courageous enough to make them reality. Dare to dream even if you are afraid, live your dreams even when people tell you not to.

I thought a collection of photographs from my old blog would be a good way to start out :)