
Dream in Color

On a warm summer evening in June, I held my own very first camera in between excited fingertips, staring wide-eyed at my father's present, my life changed, now framed in a series of photographs. Since then, I've been the girl with the camera strung around her neck, the one who sees the world through her lens. I've learned that a photograph is more than a click, that a true photograph is a dream becoming reality. I've learned that behind every photograph lies nights of endless dreaming and thought, sketches and notepads of ideas. 

 But probably the most important of all, I've learned that I would be nothing without the constant support and encouragement from my family, friends, and followers. From my first models, to the first likers of my Facebook page, my family has sometimes been the only one from burying my camera out of frustration. They've taught me that with hopes and dreams come hurdles and hardships, that without these there wouldn't be milestones. My friends have listened to my constant ramble, sometimes about aperture and depth of field, sometimes about skin tones and editing, listening with endless patience, a look of undivided interest and curiosity plastered onto their faces. They've modeled for me in the hot sun and cold snow, shivering in the rain and then running inside to sip on steaming hot chocolate, and I feel like I could never thank them enough, and never truly tell them how much they mean to me. And most importantly of all, how much it means to me to always have someone make realize to never give up on a dream.


Wreath of Light

The light danced around her almond shaped eyes, creating a wreath of dreams and a crown of beauty. In the silence of the morning air, her hopes surfaced and the shadows began to fade.